Give Give And Give

“Earn as much as you can.
Save as much as you can.
Invest as much as you can.
Give as much as you can”
These were the wise words of the clergyman, John Wesley

Let us get the wisdom of the statement :

There was a pious man who spend much on charity. Oneday his ship encountered a great storm,and the ship foundered. He drowned in the sea.

But something strange happened to him. When he went down into the deep, he heard the noise of the waves. And the noise seem to be asking each other, “this man has done charity all his days and the waves threw him to the land”.

The truth is that our purpose of life is not only to create ,innovate ,accumulate wealth but also to care for the need of one another.

You don’t need to rich in order to give. For every action there is an effect. If you don’t give you won’t receive.

Don’t wait till others ask you. The best way to care is to anticipate the needs of others and offer a hand of help even before they ask.

Let us care for one another.

Photo credit: @the_house_of_photography

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