I Did not Fail

I finished writing my first book, “A life Beyond the Ordinary” at 20. 

Lack of money kept it unpublished on the laptop for 3 years. 

I used my National service money and borrowed for the first time from few friends to get it done.

My father actually gave me major part of the money for publishing. Even though he was about to go under the knife (have surgery ) that same month in March. He still stretched in his pains to support me.

He couldn’t attend the first book lunch because he was in the hospital recovering from the surgery. I was glad he survived. 

Three (3) years later, I did launched my second book “ Minerals for the mind” and I dedicated the whole book launch to my father.

And at the book launch , he was the highest bidder for the first copy.

I sincerely want to speak heart to heart with you.

Listen careful and read slowly

  1. The measure of love is sacrifice. So when people don’t love you , you will know. And when you love your dream too, you will know. You will pay the price and that is your sacrifice. 
  2. I was having my book ready but poverty kept it away from people for 3 years. Poverty is a dream killer. It can Hate it with your life. 
  3. Most don’t care about how long it took me to write or publish the book. People want results but make sure your results is lasting. Don’t rush the process to please the crowd. The crowd can kill you.
  4. I feared if my book could make a difference. But I reassure myself that if at least my life can make an impact on just one individual then I am the best book they would have read in their lives. 

So if you are here today afraid to do what you love for the first time, please remember me.

I did it broke. I did it struggling. But I didn’t fail.

Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Don’t be afraid of your own story. Keep winning against yourself, so that your future self will even be greater than your own dreams.

People won’t support you but trust me that is exactly what you need. You are already complete and you can still win. You are enough. 

Tie all these with God. Your are hi(s)tory. 

Be Great.

My Name is Tsifodze Ernest

  1. I am highly inspired Sir. All these while,I thought I was failing. More grease to your elbow. All thanks to God for your life

  2. God bless you
    You would surely be great
    I pray you get people to invest in you

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