Now that you have graduated, everyone expects you to know what you’ll be doing for the rest of your life. But you may not even know what you’ll be doing next year!
Thinking of the future can be scary. But the fear is not necessary. God knows the desire of your heart and your uncertainties. And he promised not to leave stranded without hope. You can relax in the knowledge that God has a unique plan for your life- a plan more fulfilling and a life more abundant than anything you could dream for yourself.
But his plan don’t just happen by magic. You discover it as you draw closer to God everyday. As you get to know him better and start making decision affecting your future, his plans for your life are made clear. He guarantees that.
It is well
Nice piece…you inspired me this morning
Keep the fire burning, work your socks off and create no room for complacency.
Thumbs up
Thank You Boss