You Only Get Insight When You Get Inside

A lot has been preached and taught about giving. Yet only a few have practiced it. But one of the memorable days in life was when I became literally a ‘beggar’.

And it started like this;

It was Monday morning and I was in a rush for work. At a distance, I saw people in a queue taking shelter under a tree whiles waiting for the waakye seller. I was hungry. But I felt uncomfortable with the long queue. Yet I joined it and waited patiently for my turn. After being served with my food, Lo and Behold, the remaining money in my pocket got stolen.

I felt embarrassed and stupid looking at the seller’s face. At least, I was hoping her last words to me shouldn’t be hurtful. But with a gracious smile, she asked me to take the food as a gift.

I was shocked and happy. So, I left to the bus stop for my ride.

I pledged to myself on that faithful day that I would ask for help either in cash or kind when I needed it. I wanted to see the remaining kind men in this world.

The first person I encountered was the bus attendant. He gave a listening ear to my story and dropped me at my destination.

What a surprise!!

Do Good people still exist?

Yes!! They do.

During working hours, my thoughts lingered on the lost money. However, I remained calm with my folded arms on the desk.

Just an hour to lunch came a big surprise.

A gentleman climbed the first floor with a briefcase. He asked me to help him with bag from his car. Well, I quickly did what he told me. When I brought the bag, he opened it and started counting his money.

In a split of second, our eyes met.

He called me.

I went.

Quickly he took a 100 dollar note and asked me to take it. Well, it was bizarre. But what he said after made the difference. He told me, “His conscience is asking him to gift it to me.”

I felt God answered my prayers.

I thanked him and left.

I closed early because I had less work to do.
On my way home, I met a street child asking me for money. Immediately, I saw myself in him. I wanted to know what he would use the money for. He told me he was hungry.

I bought food for him. He was happy and went about laughing.

Every person at any point can assume the position of a beggar or a street child depending on the situation.

Often, we deny the street children food under the assumption that they want to dupe us. But I wrote this article to encourage you not to give up on them. If you chance on one today, take some few minutes and ask them If they are hungry.

You can buy food for them to eat. If you decide you to feed one soul a day, trust me, you will be their walking angel. In my case, people were kind to me but in your case, your life will be a magnet that will attract greater blessing.

Always be kind.

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