I have tasted variety of dishes in my life. But I have never paid attention to the importance of salt in them. In this piece, I will share with you my experience with the absence of salt in my favorite dish. And the deep lessons I learnt from salt. This will help you understand the power of selflessness and humility. Also, this piece will be a learning guide for you.
Let us begin.
My mother prepared one of my favorite dishes (Yam and palava sauce) for me. I couldn’t wait for the food because it has been a year since I tasted it. Well, my little sister prepared the table for me to have my meal. But even before that, I decided to buy myself Coca-Cola drink which I planned to take after the meal.
After taking my seat to eat, I decided to dip my finger into the palava sauce to get a fair taste of it. To my surprise, I couldn’t feel the taste of the palava sauce. I stretched my hand to take a piece of the yam slice, and when I tasted it, the story wasn’t different. Salt was missing from the dish.
I sat for some time and decided to learn something from this situation. I could hear my mother asking me if I needed salt, but I said no.
But what did I learn from the situation? It was simply humility and selflessness.
First, the amount of salt in dishes should be right. If there’s too much or too little, the dish will not be satisfying. Like salt, a person should live with balance, it is important for one to be balance when dealing with challenges or complicated issues, avoiding extremes, just as one needs the right amount of salt in a dish for it to taste good. Wisdom is to balance our time to give proper attention to our health, family, occupation and spiritual needs.
Second, the salt remains hidden though it adds flavor to a dish. People praise dish by appreciating the quality of its grains, vegetable or species, but no one says, the salt in this dish is fabulous. Like salt we should serve without being overly attached to receiving recognition or praise. We find joy simply in doing our best and are happy in appreciating others. In giving we really do receive food that satisfy the heart.
Third, the salt relinquishes it sense of separateness and melt with the other ingredient for the taste of the preparation. Similarly, we should let go of our ego to work in harmony with others for the benefit of all.
Lastly, we should add the salt of unselfishness, balance and corporation to the preparation of our lives to enhance it flavor.