The Greatest Human Problem Is Identity Crisis

Let me start by saying Man was not created in heaven. We were created on earth and instructed to have dominion over plants, animals, and other things. The truth is that God never created man to have dominion over another man. This issue has been the genesis of our crisis.

Our problem in life is that we don’t know our identity. We don’t know who we are and we keep trying to be like someone else. Our greatest problem is identity crisis. We keep doubting our own abilities, values, nature and we keep putting up other people’s expectation. We have lost ourselves to the extent that some of us have been so low like “animals”.

But I came today to tell you that you were created to do something.

You have a course to live; you have a purpose to fulfill. You were not created to rule over people but to identity your area of gift and purpose and rule in that area. You should never doubt yourself and always keep believing.

I am encouraging any person reading this to get my new book which i believe you won’t regret. Call 0247876669 for a copy.

Tell me what you want to become in the next five years.

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Never Throw Mud. If You Do, You May Hit Your Mark, But You Will Have Dirty Hands

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